Healthy Relationship Unit Test 6th grader Lesson 9 unit 3

The following are questions that could be included on a unit test for a 6th grade healthy relationship unit, specifically Lesson 9 of Unit 3:

1. Define consent and explain why it is important in a healthy relationship.
2. Identify three examples of non-verbal communication and explain how they can be used in a healthy relationship.
3. Describe three characteristics of a healthy friendship.
4. Explain the difference between healthy and unhealthy conflict resolution strategies.
5. List three warning signs of an unhealthy relationship.
6. Identify at least two ways in which technology can impact relationships, both positively and negatively.
7. Describe what it means to set boundaries in a relationship and explain why it is important.
8. Explain the difference between peer pressure and healthy peer influences. Provide an example of each.
9. Describe three positive ways to show empathy in a relationship.
10. Identify three strategies for building and maintaining healthy relationships.

These questions are meant to assess a student's understanding of the material covered in Lesson 9 of the unit and their ability to apply concepts to real-life situations.