Use the character description to answer the question.

Sonny was tall with dark hair and brown eyes. He held a baseball bat up against his shoulder.
Which additional description would best help develop the character?

(1 point)

Sonny’s team had tryouts every year. Tryouts were always a big deal, so it was no surprise the field was so full.
Sonny’s team had tryouts every year. Tryouts were always a big deal, so it was no surprise the field was so full.

Sonny’s focused practice swings made harsh whooshing sounds that caused nearby players to cast sideways glances at him, clearly impressed.
Sonny’s focused practice swings made harsh whooshing sounds that caused nearby players to cast sideways glances at him, clearly impressed.

Sonny was very talented. He was probably much better than most of the other players who came for tryouts.
Sonny was very talented. He was probably much better than most of the other players who came for tryouts.

Sonny wore a red baseball shirt and gray…

pants that were slightly too short, exposing his white socks and scuffed sneakers.

What is the correct answer

Sonny's focused practice swings made harsh whooshing sounds that caused nearby players to cast sideways glances at him, clearly impressed.

pants that were slightly too short, revealing his white socks and worn-out sneakers.

Sonny wore a red baseball shirt and gray pants that were slightly too short, revealing his white socks and worn-out sneakers.

This description helps develop the character by giving more details about Sonny's appearance and attire. It adds to the visual image of Sonny, highlighting his choice of clothing and the worn-out condition of his pants and sneakers. This additional information provides insight into Sonny's personality, suggesting that he may prioritize comfort and functionality over style.