Write 3 sentences using a command in a different way explain why the comma is needed in each sentence

1. "Open the bookshelf and grab the red, hardcover book." The comma is needed here to indicate a pause between two separate commands - "open the bookshelf" and "grab the red, hardcover book." Without the comma, it might be mistaken as a single command to "open the bookshelf and grab."

2. "Please, put on your shoes before entering the house." The comma is necessary after "please" to indicate a pause or a slight break before the command "put on your shoes." It adds a respectful and polite tone to the sentence.

3. "Turn off the stove, and don't forget to close the windows." Here, the comma is used to separate two commands. The first command is to "turn off the stove" and the second command is to "don't forget to close the windows." The comma helps to avoid confusion and clearly demarcate the two separate actions.