Which of the following is an example of a nation-state fragmenting based on cultural issues?(1 point)


a country that fragments based on territories associated with different religious groups
a country that fragments based on territories associated with different religious groups

a country that fragments as a result of a dispute over leadership in the government
a country that fragments as a result of a dispute over leadership in the government

a country that fragments because the location of part of the country is far from the rest of the country
a country that fragments because the location of part of the country is far from the rest of the country

a country that fragments because one region has a source of wealth that the rest of the country does not have
a country that fragments because one region has a source of wealth that the rest of the country does not have

The correct response is: a country that fragments based on territories associated with different religious groups.

To identify this example, you need to determine which option involves a cultural issue that causes a nation-state to fragment. In the given responses, the only option that fits this criteria is "a country that fragments based on territories associated with different religious groups." This scenario describes a situation where the nation-state divides or breaks apart due to conflicts arising from differing religious affiliations in different territories. Religious differences can often lead to cultural and social tensions, which may eventually result in the fragmentation of a nation-state.