Multiple Choice

On this map of Indiana, 1 cm : 50 km. Use this scale to answer questions 1–3.

A map shows the state of Indiana. It shows Cary, South Bend, Fort Wayne, Lafayette, Kokomo, Muncie, Anderson, Richmond, Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Bloomington, New Albany, and Evansville. A line goes between Terre Haute and Indianapolis.
Terre Haute to Indianapolis to Bloomington measures 3 cm on the map. What is the actual distance?

100 km

150 km

200 km

250 km

To calculate the actual distance, we need to use the scale of 1 cm : 50 km.

If Terre Haute to Indianapolis to Bloomington measures 3 cm on the map, the actual distance would be:

3 cm * 50 km = 150 km

Therefore, the actual distance is 150 km.

The correct answer is 150 km.