7 of 77 of 7 Items


Listed in the Item Bank are individual steps that need to be ordered. To find out more information about steps, some have more details available when you click on them.

Drag and drop the steps in the proper order by placing each in its corresponding open rectangle. Be sure that the earliest step is placed next to the number 1.

To answer, arrange responses in the correct order. Select a response, navigate to the desired position and insert response at that position. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging or by using the up and down arrow keys.


Unfortunately, the given information does not provide any specific steps or details to order. Please provide the specific steps or details that need to be ordered in order for me to assist you correctly.

the responces to choose from translation occurs

protein assembled at ribosome
transcription occours
DNA unzips in the nuecleus
mRNA moves to the ribosome

To answer the question, the correct order of the steps is as follows:

1. DNA unzips in the nucleus.
2. Transcription occurs.
3. mRNA moves to the ribosome.
4. Protein is assembled at the ribosome.

Please note that this is a simplified summary of the central dogma of molecular biology, and there are more intricate details and additional steps involved in gene expression.

It seems like you have a task that requires you to arrange steps in the correct order. To complete this task, you need to follow these instructions:

1. Start by reading the given steps and understanding what they entail.
2. Look for any information that indicates the order in which the steps should be arranged. This could be numbers, logical flow, or any other clues.
3. Examine the first step and consider its placement. If it doesn't have any explicit indications, start with it as the earliest step and place it next to the number 1.
4. Review the remaining steps and identify any connections or dependencies between them. These could be cause and effect relationships, chronological order, or any other logical connections.
5. Arrange the steps accordingly, keeping in mind the instructions and any clues provided.
6. Once you have placed a step, move on to the next one and determine its correct position relative to the previous steps.
7. Continue this process until you have arranged all the steps in the correct order.
8. Double-check your arrangement to ensure that it aligns with the instructions and makes logical sense.

It is important to note that without the specific steps or context of the question, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer. Please provide the actual steps, and I will be happy to guide you in arranging them in the proper order.