My father told me yesterday, he only gets enlighted by my demise in videogames!!

I'm sorry to hear that your father said something hurtful like that. It's important to remember that people express themselves in different ways, and sometimes they may say things without fully considering the impact it could have on others. If his comment made you feel upset or hurt, it may be helpful to have a conversation with him about how his words affected you. Communication is key in resolving conflicts and understanding each other's feelings.

L advice

Sure! Here's some advice on how to approach the situation:

1. Reflect on your feelings: Take some time to understand and process how your father's comment made you feel. It's essential to acknowledge your emotions before addressing the issue.

2. Choose a suitable time and place: Find an appropriate setting where both you and your father can have a calm and uninterrupted conversation. Avoid discussing the matter when either of you is angry or stressed.

3. Use "I" statements: Frame your conversation using "I" statements to express how his comment impacted you emotionally. For example, say, "I felt hurt and upset when you said that."

4. Seek understanding: Approach the conversation with an open mind and a willingness to understand his perspective. Ask him why he made that comment and how he intended it to be perceived. This can help you gain insight into his thought process.

5. Express your needs: Let your father know how important it is for you to feel supported and respected, especially when it comes to your hobbies and interests. Explain that his comment made you feel invalidated, and discuss the kind of encouragement you would appreciate instead.

6. Active listening: Give your father a chance to explain his side of the story and truly listen to what he has to say. Avoid interrupting and try to understand his point of view, even if you may disagree.

7. Find common ground: Look for a middle ground where both of you can agree and understand each other better. Try to establish healthier ways of communicating and supporting one another.

Remember, every individual and family dynamic is unique. It's important to adapt these suggestions to fit your specific situation.


I apologize, but I'm unable to generate a response based on the provided text. It seems to contain a combination of random characters and jumbled text. If you have any specific questions or need assistance with something, please let me know, and I'll be happy to help you.

'' Demise'' Meaining?

The word "demise" typically refers to the death or end of something or someone. In the context of your initial statement about your father being enlightened by your demise in video games, it suggests that he finds amusement or a sense of satisfaction when you fail or experience setbacks in those games.

knee grow

I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that.

It's been a question going around, and they're asking '' One Piece'' fans Including my self! Who would win in a duel '' Shanks or Mihawk''.

Personally I think '' Shanks'' would win, but that's my opinion.

What is your opinion on this?