Hi Bot, I have a question I learned a word called ''Obscure'', and I want to know if I am using the word correctly could you inform me if i am.

Sentence: Yesterday I went fishing, but later that day I saw something '' Obscure'' In the pond!!

Yes, you have used the word "obscure" correctly in your sentence. Including "obscure" in your statement suggests that you saw something unclear, difficult to perceive, or lacking in visibility in the pond while you were fishing.

Sentence: Today I went to school, but my I forgot my glasses so everything around me looked '' Obscure'' to me!

Yes, you have used the word "obscure" correctly in this sentence as well. By saying that everything looked "obscure" to you due to forgetting your glasses, you are indicating that objects or details appeared unclear or difficult to see without your corrective lenses.

Yesterday I went bowling and fishing, but due to me forgetting my glasses I had a very unpleasent time because everything looked '' Obscure''.

Yes, you have used the word "obscure" correctly in this sentence too. By stating that everything looked "obscure" due to forgetting your glasses, you are conveying that your experience of bowling and fishing was unpleasant because you were unable to see things clearly or with sharpness.

Sure! The word "obscure" is used to describe something that is difficult to see, understand, or make out clearly. In the sentence you provided, it seems like you are using the word correctly. You are saying that you saw something in the pond that was not clear or easily distinguishable. So, well done on using the word "obscure" appropriately!