Explain two causes of World War II.(Make sure to answer the questions with at least 2-3 sentences)

1) One of the causes of World War II was the aggressive expansionist policies of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. Hitler's desire to create a Greater Germany led to the annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia, as well as the invasion of Poland, which eventually sparked the war. His militaristic ambitions threatened the balance of power in Europe and provoked other countries into taking action.

2) Another cause of World War II was the failure of the Treaty of Versailles to maintain lasting peace after World War I. The harsh terms imposed on Germany, such as massive reparations and the loss of territories, created resentment and economic hardship. This, coupled with the rise of nationalist and fascist ideologies in various countries, including Germany, Italy, and Japan, led to escalating tensions and a desire for revenge, ultimately leading to the outbreak of war.