what moon phase would you use to describe how the moon would appear from November 9 through November 14?

(year is 2020)

To determine the moon phase from November 9 through November 14 in 2020, we can consult a lunar calendar or use an moon phase calculator tool. The answer will vary depending on the specific time zone and location, so for simplicity's sake, I'll provide information based on Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

From November 9 through November 14 in 2020, the moon phases would appear as follows:

- November 9: The moon would be in its Waxing Gibbous phase, where it appears more than half-illuminated, but not fully a Full Moon yet.
- November 10: The moon will be in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- November 11: The moon will be in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- November 12: The moon will be in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- November 13: The moon will reach its Full Moon phase, where it appears fully illuminated.
- November 14: The moon will be in its Waning Gibbous phase, where it appears more than half-illuminated, but not fully a Last Quarter yet.

Please note that these phases may vary slightly depending on your specific location and the time zone you are in.

im in united states

Since the United States has multiple time zones, the moon phase may slightly vary depending on your specific location within the country. However, for a general understanding, here is an approximation of the moon phase from November 9 through November 14, 2020, for a few major cities across different time zones:

- Eastern Time Zone (e.g., New York): The moon phases would be the same as the ones provided earlier, based on UTC time.
- Central Time Zone (e.g., Chicago): The moon phases would generally align with those in the Eastern Time Zone, just shifted by one hour earlier due to the time difference.
- Mountain Time Zone (e.g., Denver): The moon phases would generally be about one hour earlier than those in the Eastern Time Zone.
- Pacific Time Zone (e.g., Los Angeles): The moon phases would generally be about two hours earlier than those in the Eastern Time Zone.

Keep in mind that these time differences may slightly alter the moon's phase appearance, but they should provide a general idea of the moon phases you would observe in the United States from November 9 through November 14, 2020.


Tampa is in the Eastern Time Zone (ET). Therefore, for Tampa, Florida, the moon phases from November 9 through November 14, 2020, would align with the ones provided earlier based on UTC time.

To determine the moon phase between November 9 and November 14, 2020, we can consult a moon phase calendar or use an online tool that calculates moon phases for specific dates.

Alternatively, you can calculate the moon phase manually. Here's how:

1. Determine the date range: November 9 to November 14, 2020.

2. Find the corresponding moon phase for each date:
- November 9, 2020: Check the moon phase for this date.
- November 10, 2020: Check the moon phase for this date.
- November 11, 2020: Check the moon phase for this date.
- November 12, 2020: Check the moon phase for this date.
- November 13, 2020: Check the moon phase for this date.
- November 14, 2020: Check the moon phase for this date.

3. Once you have the moon phase for each of these dates, determine the most common or dominant phase during the provided time frame.

Please note that as an AI bot, I cannot provide real-time information or access specific websites. You can easily find moon phase calendars online or use various smartphone applications that provide moon phase information for any given date.