What makes a source effective? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)


it adds to your understanding of a topic
it adds to your understanding of a topic

it is interesting to you
it is interesting to you

it is presented in a written format
it is presented in a written format

it leads you to another source
it leads you to another source

it is accurate

it adds to your understanding of a topic and it is accurate

Luis is doing research on his favorite big cat, the lion. Which of the following sources would be the most effective?(1 point)


a video clip of lions interacting with humans at a zoo
a video clip of lions interacting with humans at a zoo

a newspaper article about the Detroit Lions football team
a newspaper article about the Detroit Lions football team

an online movie review of The Lion King
an online movie review of The Lion King

a National Geographic article on the habitat of lions

a National Geographic article on the habitat of lions

What is a primary source?(1 point)


an outside view of a time period or event
an outside view of a time period or event

a report on a time period or event that happens long after the fact
a report on a time period or event that happens long after the fact

an account that comes directly from people who were present during an event
an account that comes directly from people who were present during an event

an account from someone who did not experience a time period or event directly

an account that comes directly from people who were present during an event

Gina is doing a project on the culture of another country, and she wants to get a first-hand account of what life is like. Which type of source should she use?(1 point)


a biography
a biography

a letter
a letter

a magazine article
a magazine article

a newspaper interview

a letter

Which items indicate that a source is not effective? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)


It is based on opinion.
It is based on opinion.

It gives information on a different topic.
It gives information on a different topic.

It is relevant.
It is relevant.

It comes from experts in the field.
It comes from experts in the field.

You can find other sources with the same information.

It is based on opinion and it gives information on a different topic.

The correct answers are:

1. It adds to your understanding of a topic.
2. It is accurate.

To determine if a source is effective, you should consider if it provides valuable insights and information that contribute to your understanding of the topic. An effective source should be reliable, credible, and present accurate information.

To evaluate if a source is accurate, you can:

1. Consider the author's credentials and expertise in the field.
2. Assess if the source has been peer-reviewed or published in reputable journals or websites.
3. Look for other corroborating sources that support the information presented.
4. Consider if the source provides citations or references for their claims.
5. Assess if the information provided aligns with what is generally known and accepted about the topic.

Remember to critically evaluate sources and cross-reference information from multiple reliable sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.