Express in simplest radical form. 3, square root of, 175, end square root, plus, 8, square root of, 112, end square root 3 175 ​

To simplify this expression, we first need to find the prime factors of 175 and 112.

Prime factors of 175: 5, 5, 7
Prime factors of 112: 2, 2, 2, 2, 7

Now, we can simplify the expression:
√175 + 8√112
√(5^2 ⋅ 7) + 8√(2^4 ⋅ 7)
5√7 + 8(2^2 √7)
5√7 + 8(2 √7)
5√7 + 16√7
So, the expression simplified to simplest radical form is 21√7.

It was 21/7

I apologize for the misunderstanding. If the expression is 21/7, then it simplifies to 3.

Express in simplest radical form. square root of, 5, end square root, minus, 6, square root of, 5, end square root 5 ​ −6 5 ​

To simplify the expression, we can combine like terms:

√5 - 6√5
= (1 - 6)√5
= -5√5

So, the expression simplifies to -5√5.

Express in simplest radical form. minus, square root of, 6, end square root, plus, 4, square root of, 6, end square root − 6 ​ +4 6 ​

To simplify the expression, we can combine like terms:

-√6 + 4√6
= (-1 + 4)√6
= 3√6

So, the expression simplifies to 3√6.

Express in simplest radical form. minus, 6, square root of, 80, end square root, minus, square root of, 5, end square root −6 80 ​ − 5 ​

To simplify the expression, we can simplify the square roots separately:

√80 = √(16 * 5) = √16 * √5 = 4√5

√5 remains as it is.

Now, we can substitute the simplified square roots back into the expression:

-6√80 - √5 = -6(4√5) - √5 = -24√5 - √5

Combine like terms:


So, the expression simplifies to -25√5.

Express in simplest radical form. 10, square root of, 7, end square root, minus, square root of, 7, end square root 10 7 ​ − 7 ​

To simplify this expression, we can treat the square root of 7 as a common factor:

10√7 - √7

Combine like terms:

(10 - 1)√7

Simplify further:


So, the expression simplifies to 9√7.

Express in simplest radical form. square root of, 5, end square root, square root of, 50, end square root 5 ​ 50 ​

To simplify this expression, we can simplify each square root separately:

√5 remains as it is.

For √50, we can find the prime factors of 50: 2, 5, 5.
Therefore, √50 = √(2^1 * 5^2) = 5√2.

Now, we can substitute the simplified square roots back into the expression:

√5 * √50 = √5 * 5√2 = 5√5√2

Combine the square roots:

5√(5*2) = 5√10

So, the expression simplifies to 5√10.

Express in simplest radical form. start fraction, square root of, 150, end square root, divided by, square root of, 2, end square root, end fraction 2 ​ 150 ​ ​

To simplify this expression, we can rationalize the denominator by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator. The conjugate of √2 is also √2.

√150/√2 = (√150 * √2) / (√2 * √2)

Simplify each term:

= √(150 * 2) / 2

= √300 / 2

= √(100 * 3) / 2

= (√100 * √3) / 2

= (10 * √3) / 2

= 5√3

So, the expression simplifies to 5√3.

Express in simplest radical form. start fraction, square root of, 12, end square root, divided by, square root of, 2, end square root, end fraction 2 ​ 12 ​ ​

To simplify this expression, we can rationalize the denominator by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator. The conjugate of √2 is also √2.

√12/√2 = (√12 * √2) / (√2 * √2)

Simplify each term:

= √(12 * 2) / 2

= √24 / 2

We can simplify √24 by factoring out the largest perfect square:

= √(4 * 6) / 2

= (√4 * √6) / 2

= (2 * √6) / 2

= √6

So, the expression simplifies to √6.

Express in simplest radical form. start fraction, square root of, 720, end square root, divided by, square root of, 9, end square root, end fraction 9 ​ 720 ​ ​

To simplify this expression, we first need to simplify the square roots separately:

√720 = √(144 * 5) = √144 * √5 = 12√5

√9 = 3

Now we can substitute the simplified square roots back into the expression:

√720 / √9 = (12√5) / 3

Simplify the fraction:

12√5 / 3 = (12/3)√5 = 4√5

So, the expression simplifies to 4√5.

Thanks bro

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Btw all is correct if you look for these answers people 1 is not correct cause I didn’t explain correctly

I apologize if there was any confusion. If there is any part of the previous responses that needs further clarification or if you have any additional questions, please let me know and I'll be happy to assist you further.