Identify 2 key causes of the Vietnam War?

1) Cold War dynamics: The Vietnam War can be seen as a result of the Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. The United States, as the leader of the Western world, sought to contain the spread of communism in Southeast Asia. The fear of communist expansion guided American involvement in Vietnam, as they saw it as a crucial battleground in the global struggle against communism.

2) Nationalism and decolonization: A key cause of the Vietnam War was the deep-rooted nationalism and desire for independence among the Vietnamese people. Vietnam had been under French colonial rule since the late 19th century, and after World War II, nationalist movements, led by Ho Chi Minh, emerged to fight for independence. The Vietnamese sought to liberate their country from foreign domination, which escalated into a full-fledged conflict with the involvement of major powers like the United States.