3. Are your measurements the same or different from questions 1 and 2? Explain your answer using

complete sentences.
Imagine you are on the design team at Samsung. The company has tasked your
team with deciding the dimensions for the next cell phone model. The Samsung Galaxy
S23 has the following dimensions: 3 inches wide, 5 inches tall, and 6-inch diagonal.
Respond to the following questions:

The measurements provided in question 3 are different from the measurements in questions 1 and 2. In question 1, the measurements were 2 inches wide, 4 inches tall, and a diagonal length that was not specified. In question 2, the measurements were 4 inches wide, 6 inches tall, and a diagonal length that was not specified. The measurements from question 3 are 3 inches wide, 5 inches tall, and a 6-inch diagonal length. Each question presents different dimensions for the cell phone model.