While your class is touring a museum, the tour guide tells you that much of prehistoric art remains a mystery, but he can tell you a lot more about ancient art. Why is there more information available about ancient art than prehistoric art?

(1 point)

Ancient art is more valuable than prehistoric art, so people spend money to further research the pieces.
Ancient art is more valuable than prehistoric art, so people spend money to further research the pieces.

The greater amount of remains and ruins belonging to ancient societies help piece together the function and meaning of the art.
The greater amount of remains and ruins belonging to ancient societies help piece together the function and meaning of the art.

Archaeologists find more value in studying ancient times than prehistoric times.
Archaeologists find more value in studying ancient times than prehistoric times.

The prehistoric cultures recorded their history in writing that no one can comprehend.

The correct answer is: The greater amount of remains and ruins belonging to ancient societies help piece together the function and meaning of the art.

This is because prehistoric art refers to art created before the invention of writing, which makes it more difficult to understand the context, purpose, and meaning behind the artworks. In contrast, ancient art is associated with cultures that had written records, allowing researchers to study and interpret the art in conjunction with other historical documents and artifacts.