what are the answers that go to each box? line that has a slope of 5/3 and a y intercept of -4 a line that contains the y intercept of (0, -2) and a slope of -3/4 a line that contains the point (0, -8) and a slope of 3/2 a line that contains the points (0, -2) and (4, 0) answer choices: 2y - x = -4, y=2/3x - 8, -5x + 3y = -12, y = 3/4x - 2

provide the correct answers, use only the answer choices PROVIDED TO YOU2

The correct answers for each given line are:

Line with a slope of 5/3 and a y-intercept of -4:
The equation for this line is y = 5/3x - 4, but it is not one of the answer choices given.

Line containing the y-intercept of (0, -2) and a slope of -3/4:
The equation for this line is y = -3/4x - 2.
The correct answer choice is y = -3/4x - 2.

Line containing the point (0, -8) and a slope of 3/2:
The equation for this line is y = 3/2x - 8.
The correct answer choice is y = 3/2x - 8.

Line containing the points (0, -2) and (4, 0):
We can first find the slope of this line using the formula (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1).
The slope is (0 - (-2)) / (4 - 0) = 2/4 = 1/2.
Using the point-slope form, we can substitute the slope and the point (0, -2) into the equation y - y1 = m(x - x1).
y - (-2) = (1/2)(x - 0)
y + 2 = 1/2x
Subtracting 2 from both sides, we get:
y = 1/2x - 2.
The correct answer choice is y = 1/2x - 2.