Triangle QRS is congruent to Triangle TUV, QS = 3v+2 and TV = 7v-6, find the length of QS and TV.

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Given that Triangle QRS is congruent to Triangle TUV, we can conclude that the corresponding sides are congruent.

Let's assign a variable to one of the sides.
Let's say QS is x.

According to the information provided, QS = 3v + 2.
Substituting x for QS, we have:
x = 3v + 2

Now, using the information that Triangle QRS is congruent to Triangle TUV, we know that TV is also x.

Given that TV = 7v - 6, we have:
x = 7v - 6

Since x = QS and x = TV, we can equate the two expressions for x:

3v + 2 = 7v - 6

Let's solve for v:
3v - 7v = -6 - 2
-4v = -8
v = -8 / -4
v = 2

Now that we know v = 2, we can substitute this value back into the expressions for QS and TV to find their lengths.

QS = 3v + 2
QS = 3(2) + 2
QS = 6 + 2
QS = 8

TV = 7v - 6
TV = 7(2) - 6
TV = 14 - 6
TV = 8

Therefore, the length of QS is 8 and the length of TV is also 8.