20 - 2/5 d What does the d represent in this expression Fractions

In the given expression, "d" represents an unknown variable. It is typically used to represent a numerical value that is not known or defined.

217 + 25.50 w

Why does the variable w go next to the 25.50 instead of the 217?

The placement of the variable "w" next to the number 25.50 in the expression is determined by the operation being performed. In this case, the addition operation is being performed between 217 and 25.50, resulting in the sum "217 + 25.50". The variable "w" is being added to the number 25.50, which is why it is written next to it in the expression. The number 217 is not being modified by the variable and is therefore written separately.

What are the two coefficients in this expression? 15.5s + 22.8w

The coefficients in the expression "15.5s + 22.8w" are 15.5 and 22.8.

In this expression, "s" and "w" are variables, while 15.5 and 22.8 are the coefficients. A coefficient is the numerical value that is multiplied by the variable in an algebraic expression.

What did you get for an answer when you evaluted this expression with numbers

To evaluate the expression "15.5s + 22.8w" with specific values for the variables, we need to know the values of "s" and "w". Without specific values, we cannot perform the evaluation. If you provide the values of "s" and "w", I can help you calculate the result.

Ok do it

To evaluate the expression "15.5s + 22.8w" with specific values, we will assume that "s" has a value of 2 and "w" has a value of 3.

Plugging these values into the expression, we have:
15.5(2) + 22.8(3)

Evaluating each part separately:
15.5(2) = 31
22.8(3) = 68.4

Now, adding the results together:
31 + 68.4 = 99.4

Therefore, when "s" is 2 and "w" is 3, the value of the expression "15.5s + 22.8w" is 99.4.

In the expression "20 - 2/5d," the letter "d" represents a variable. In algebra, variables are commonly used to represent unknown quantities or values that can vary. In this case, the variable "d" is being multiplied by a fraction, 2/5, and then subtracted from 20. The expression is showing a mathematical operation involving a variable and a fraction. To find the value of the expression, you need to know the value of "d" and perform the necessary calculations.