. Compare and contrast the traits of viruses and bacteria. Is a virus considered a living thing? Explain your answer in 3–5 sentences.

Viruses and bacteria differ in various aspects. For starters, bacteria are single-celled organisms that can survive independently, reproduce, and perform essential functions for life. Viruses, on the other hand, cannot carry out any of these functions on their own and rely entirely on host cells for replication. Bacteria have a more complex structure compared to viruses, with cell walls and various organelles, while viruses are simpler entities made up of a protein coat and genetic material.

As for whether viruses are considered living things, it is a subject of debate among scientists. Viruses lack the characteristics typically associated with life, such as metabolism, growth, and the ability to reproduce independently. They do not respond to stimuli or maintain homeostasis. However, viruses can evolve, adapt, and infect living organisms, which blurs the line between life and non-life. Hence, the classification of viruses as "living" or "non-living" is a matter of interpretation.