Use the entry to answer the question.

Josh Grove, How to Sing Like an Angel, pages 7-12

Nick is writing down the bibliographic information for one of his sources. What piece of information is missing from the entry?

(1 point)

date of publication
date of publication


page numbers
page numbers


I apologize for the mistake. The missing piece of information from the entry is the date of publication.


hi help me

you fat ape then

Based on the provided entry "Josh Grove, How to Sing Like an Angel, pages 7-12," the missing piece of information from the bibliographic entry is the date of publication. The entry includes the author's name (Josh Grove), the title of the source (How to Sing Like an Angel), and the page numbers (pages 7-12). However, it does not mention the date when the source was published. Therefore, the correct answer is "date of publication."

None of the pieces of information are missing from the entry.