Solve the quadratic equation x^2+16=0 . Express its solutions in the form a±bi .(1 point)

To solve the quadratic equation x^2 + 16 = 0, we can rearrange the equation to isolate x^2:

x^2 = -16

To find the square roots of -16, we can express it as the product of its factors:
-16 = (-4)(4)

Now, using the imaginary unit i, we can express the square root of -1 as i:

√(-1) = i

Therefore, we can express the square root of -16 as √16 * √(-1) = 4i.

Finally, we can solve for x by taking the square root of both sides:

x = ±√(-16) = ±(4i)

The solutions to the quadratic equation are x = 4i and x = -4i.