How did the domino theory influence the United States' role in the Vietnam War?(1 point)


Vietnamization became the new U.S. foreign policy.
Vietnamization became the new U.S. foreign policy.

The United States adopted a position of neutrality.
The United States adopted a position of neutrality.

It forced the United States to support the Vietcong.
It forced the United States to support the Vietcong.

It convinced the government to become involved in the war.

It convinced the government to become involved in the war.

Which population and environmental issues are affecting the economy of Indonesia?(1 point)


Overcrowding and drought.
Overcrowding and drought.

Declining population and air pollution
Declining population and air pollution

Declining population and water pollution.
Declining population and water pollution.

Overcrowding and destruction of rain forests.

Overcrowding and destruction of rainforests.

Why did the first inhabitants of mainland Southeast Asia settle in plains and river valleys?(1 point)


Those areas were easy to defend.
Those areas were easy to defend.

Those areas were good for farming.
Those areas were good for farming.

Those areas were best for trade.
Those areas were best for trade.

D. Those areas were close to towns

Those areas were good for farming.

How did the Khmer civilization shape culture in Southeast Asia? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)


Used irrigation canals and reservoirs to support large scale farming
Used irrigation canals and reservoirs to support large scale farming

Innovated a feudal system based on the loyalty of samurai warriors.
Innovated a feudal system based on the loyalty of samurai warriors.

Developed writing systems that spread throughout Asia.
Developed writing systems that spread throughout Asia.

Built vast Buddhist temple complexes.

Used irrigation canals and reservoirs to support large-scale farming, and built vast Buddhist temple complexes.

What would be most likely to happen in a country run by a military regime?(1 point)


The regime would be responsible for both creating and enforcing laws that protected basic rights.
The regime would be responsible for both creating and enforcing laws that protected basic rights.

The president would direct the military and rely on it to maintain peace.
The president would direct the military and rely on it to maintain peace.

The military would hold elections but could overrule decisions made by those elected.
The military would hold elections but could overrule decisions made by those elected.

The military would try to implement an absolute monarchy with military personnel and their family in power.

The domino theory was a key factor that influenced the United States' role in the Vietnam War. The theory suggested that if one country in Southeast Asia fell to communism, it would lead to a chain reaction where neighboring countries would also fall, like a row of dominos. This theory was widely believed by U.S. policymakers at the time.

To understand how the domino theory influenced the United States' role in the Vietnam War, we need to examine the response options provided:

1. Vietnamization became the new U.S. foreign policy: This response is not directly related to the domino theory. Vietnamization was a policy introduced by President Richard Nixon, aimed at gradually transferring the responsibility for the war to the South Vietnamese forces while reducing American troop presence. It was not a result of the domino theory.

2. The United States adopted a position of neutrality: This response is also not aligned with the domino theory. The United States did not adopt a position of neutrality during the Vietnam War. On the contrary, they actively supported the South Vietnamese government and fought against the communists.

3. It forced the United States to support the Vietcong: This response does not accurately reflect the influence of the domino theory. The domino theory led the United States to oppose the Vietcong and support the South Vietnamese government. The fear of communist expansion and the belief that preventing the fall of South Vietnam was crucial to stopping the spread of communism were key motivations that drove U.S. involvement in the conflict.

4. It convinced the government to become involved in the war: This response correctly identifies the influence of the domino theory. The belief in the domino theory was a significant factor in convincing the U.S. government to become involved in the Vietnam War. The fear of communism spreading throughout Southeast Asia led to a commitment to prevent Vietnam from falling under communist control.

Therefore, the correct response is: It convinced the government to become involved in the war.