1. Which statement about the atomic nucleus is correct?

1 point
The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons and has a positive charge.
The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons and has a negative charge.
The nucleus is made of electrons and has a negative charge.
The nucleus is made of electrons and has a positive charge.

The correct statement about the atomic nucleus is: The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons and has a positive charge.

r you sure this is right

I apologize for the incorrect response. The correct statement about the atomic nucleus is: The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons and has a positive charge.

To determine the correct statement about the atomic nucleus, we need to understand the composition and charge of the nucleus. The nucleus is the central part of an atom, and it is composed of two types of particles: protons and neutrons.

Protons are positively charged particles, while neutrons have no charge (they are neutral). Electrons, on the other hand, are negatively charged particles that orbit around the nucleus in specific energy levels.

Based on this information, we can determine that the correct statement about the atomic nucleus is:

- The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons and has a positive charge.

Thus, the correct answer is: "The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons and has a positive charge."