Slope and y-intercepts Practice Complete this assessment to review what you've learned. It will not count toward your grade. 1 of 51 of 5 Items Question Determine the initial value and the rate of change in the following description. At a local festival, the entrance fee is $12 per person, and ride tickets cost $2 for every ride.(1 point) The initial value is b=, and the rate of change is m=. Skip to navigation page 26 of 27

The initial value is b = $12, and the rate of change is m = $2.

Slope and y-intercepts Practice Complete this assessment to review what you've learned. It will not count toward your grade. 2 of 52 of 5 Items Question Determine the initial value and the rate of change in the following description. A 2,000-gallon tank is half full with 1,000 gallons of water. Water is being pumped into the tank at a rate of 15 gallons per minute.(1 point) The initial value is b=, and the rate of change is m=. Skip to navigation page 26 of 27 Formula keypad has been closed. Press Control + Backslash to open it again.

The initial value is b = 1,000 gallons, and the rate of change is m = 15 gallons/minute.

Slope and y-intercepts Practice Complete this assessment to review what you've learned. It will not count toward your grade. 3 of 53 of 5 Items Question Use the table to answer the question. x y 1 4 −3 8 Find the rate of change and the initial value of the linear function given as a table of values. (1 point) The rate of change is m=, and the initial value is b=. Skip to navigation page 26 of 27

To find the rate of change, we can use the formula:

m = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)

Using the values from the table:
m = (8 - 4)/(-3 - 1)
m = 4/-4
m = -1

To find the initial value, we can choose any point from the table. Let's use (1, 4):
y = mx + b
4 = -1(1) + b
4 = -1 + b
b = 5

Therefore, the rate of change (m) is -1 and the initial value (b) is 5.

To determine the initial value (y-intercept) and rate of change (slope) in the given description, we need to consider the given information.

In the description, it states that the entrance fee is $12 per person. This indicates the initial value or y-intercept. The initial value represents the starting point or base value of a function.

Therefore, the initial value (b) is $12.

Next, it mentions that ride tickets cost $2 for every ride. This indicates the rate of change or slope. The rate of change represents how the dependent variable (ride tickets cost) changes for every unit increase in the independent variable (number of rides).

Since the rate of change is given as $2 for every ride, the rate of change (m) is $2.

In summary:
- The initial value or y-intercept (b) is $12.
- The rate of change or slope (m) is $2.

Now, you can fill in the missing values in the provided question.