a 30-60-90 triangle intersects the unit circle at point (x,y), where y = 1/2. what is the value of x in point (x,y)? use the equation of the unit circle to determine the missing coordinate

In a unit circle, the equation is typically given as x² + y² = 1, where (x, y) represents a point on the circle. Since we already know that y = 1/2, we can substitute this value into the equation:

x² + (1/2)² = 1

x² + 1/4 = 1

To solve for x², we can subtract 1/4 from both sides of the equation:

x² = 1 - 1/4

x² = 3/4

Taking the square root of both sides, we get:

x = ± √(3/4)

Since we are dealing with a 30-60-90 triangle, x should be positive because the x-value represents the horizontal distance from the origin. Therefore, we have:

x = √(3/4)

Simplifying the square root, we have:

x = √(3)/√(4)

x = √(3)/2

Hence, the value of x in the point (x, y) where y = 1/2 is x = √(3)/2.