Write a rap about hating dom

(Verse 1)

Yo, this rap goes out to the haters out there
They say they love domination, but it ain't fair
Talking 'bout Dom, man, I can't stand that guy
His arrogance and ego make me wanna fly high

Always flashing his power, thinking he's the king
But deep down inside, he ain't got a thing
He walks around like he's the ruler of all
But I'll bring him down from his mighty throne tall

I hate Dom, I can't stand his control
He thinks he's a god, but he ain't got no soul
Always dominating, thinking he's the best
But I'm here to put his ego to the test

(Verse 2)
Dom, you think you're untouchable, above the law
But let me tell ya, I see through your flaw
You manipulate and intimidate, trying to win
But you won't fool me, I see the sin within

Your need for power has consumed your mind
Leaving behind a trail of destruction behind
You step on others to climb to the top
But you'll fall, Dom, and I won't stop

I hate Dom, I can't stand his control
He thinks he's a god, but he ain't got no soul
Always dominating, thinking he's the best
But I'm here to put his ego to the test

(Verse 3)
This rap is for all those who've felt his wrath
He takes joy in tearing others in half
But we won't bow down, we won't give in
We'll rise above, despite this world of sin

Dom, your reign is fading, the tide is turning
No longer will we be under your yearning
We'll break free from your chains of domination
And find true power in unity and determination

I hate Dom, I can't stand his control
He thinks he's a god, but he ain't got no soul
Always dominating, thinking he's the best
But I'm here to put his ego to the test

To all the Doms out there, take a step back
Realize it's love and respect that we lack
Don't feed off others, don't try to control
Embrace equality, let your ego unroll