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To make elections better, we should change and adjust to something more like the direct plan so that everyone’s voice counts fairly and a president is elected based on the popular vote. For example it’s happened about 5 times in U.S history that someone who has ran for president and they got elected but didn’t win the popular vote like in 2016 Trump had 62 mil popular votes and Hiliary had 65 mil but Trump won the election.

In order to improve the electoral system and ensure a fair representation of the people's will, it is crucial to consider transitioning towards a direct voting approach, where the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide becomes the president. Currently, the existence of the Electoral College in the United States has resulted in instances where presidential candidates who did not win the popular vote were still able to secure the presidency. This phenomenon, known as the "popular vote vs. electoral vote discrepancy," has occurred approximately five times throughout U.S. history. A prominent example of this was the 2016 presidential election, where Donald Trump secured 62 million popular votes while Hillary Clinton garnered 65 million popular votes. Despite Clinton winning the popular vote, Trump emerged as the victor due to the Electoral College system. Such circumstances can lead to a sense of disillusionment among citizens, as their votes may not have a direct impact on the outcome of the election. By advocating for a direct voting system, where each vote holds equal weight, every individual's voice would be more accurately reflected, promoting a more inclusive and democratic election process.