Word formation for head and meaning in medical terms

The word formation for "head" in medical terms is often related to its anatomical position or specific functions. Here are some examples:

1. Cephal-: Used as a prefix, it denotes the head or head-related structures. For example, cephalalgia means headache.

2. Crani-: Also used as a prefix, it refers to the skull or cranium. For instance, craniotomy is a surgical procedure involving opening the skull.

3. Encephal-: This prefix refers to the brain. For example, encephalitis is the inflammation of the brain.

4. Cranio-: Another prefix, it indicates the skull. For instance, cranioplasty is a surgical operation to repair a defect in the skull.

In terms of meaning, "head" in medical terms primarily refers to the anatomical structure or specific functions related to the head region, such as the skull, brain, face, or senses. These terms help medical professionals communicate and describe conditions, treatments, and diseases related to the head and its various components.