When should a comma be used?

1. To end a sentence
2. To change the subject
3. To build suspense
4. To create a pause

A comma should be used in the following situations:

1. To separate items in a list: "I need to buy apples, bananas, and oranges."
2. To separate two independent clauses in a compound sentence: "I went to the store, and I bought some groceries."
3. To set off introductory words or phrases: "However, I did not enjoy the movie."
4. To separate nonessential information or phrases within a sentence: "John, my brother, is coming over tonight."
5. To set off direct address: "Thank you, sir."
6. To separate coordinating adjectives describing the same noun: "She had beautiful, long hair."
7. To indicate a pause in a sentence for clarity or emphasis: "I need to finish my assignment, then I can go out."

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A comma should be used to separate items in a list.

A comma is a punctuation mark used to separate or clarify different elements within a sentence. Here are the situations when a comma should be used:

1. To separate items in a list: Use commas to separate two or more items in a list. For example, "I bought apples, oranges, and bananas."

2. To separate independent clauses in a compound sentence: When you have two independent clauses (complete thoughts) joined by a coordinating conjunction (such as "and," "but," or "or"), use a comma before the coordinating conjunction. For example, "She finished her homework, and then she went to bed."

3. To set off introductory elements: Use a comma to separate introductory words, phrases, or clauses from the main part of the sentence. For example, "Before we start, let's review the plan."

4. To separate nonessential information: If you have nonessential information (additional details that are not crucial for the meaning of the sentence), use commas to set it off. For example, "John, who is my friend, will be attending the conference."

5. To separate coordinate adjectives: When two or more adjectives modify the same noun equally, use a comma between them. For example, "She has long, curly hair."

It is important to note that a comma should not be used to end a sentence, change the subject, or create suspense. Rather, it serves a specific purpose in sentence structure and clarity.