Write two expressions in terms of d to show how much Winona and Takoda would pay in total if they bought their mother the set of power tools. 

What does the expression 0.90(d – 5) refer to? How do you know? How else could this expression be written? 
Choose a value for d that is greater than $25 and less than $100. Calculate the total cost of each of the possible presents for the value you chose. Then write a short paragraph telling Winona and Takoda which present they should buy and explaining why. 

Expression 1: 0.90d

This expression represents the amount Winona and Takoda would pay in total if they bought their mother the set of power tools at the original price.

Expression 2: 0.90(d - 5)
This expression represents the amount Winona and Takoda would pay in total if they bought their mother the set of power tools at the discounted price, where the tools are currently $5 off. We know this because the expression subtracts 5 from d before multiplying it by 0.90, indicating a discount of $5.

Expression 1 can also be written as 0.90 * d.

To choose a value for d, let's say d = $50.

Using the first expression, the total cost of the power tools would be:
0.90 * 50 = $45

Using the second expression, the total cost of the power tools with the $5 discount would be:
0.90 * (50 - 5) = 0.90 * 45 = $40.50

Based on these calculations, Winona and Takoda should buy the power tools with the discount. The total cost with the discount is $40.50, which is cheaper than the original price of $45. By choosing this option, they can save $4.50.