If the distance between Lagos and Bamako is 1665km . Find the latitude of Bamako assuming Lagos and Bamako are in the same hemisphere

To find the latitude of Bamako, we need the latitude of Lagos or the difference in latitude between Lagos and Bamako. Given that information, we can calculate the latitude of Bamako.

Unfortunately, the provided distance between Lagos and Bamako (1665km) is not sufficient information to determine the latitude of Bamako. Distance alone cannot accurately determine latitude because the Earth is not flat and latitude lines are not equidistant.

Latitude is determined by the angle between a point on the Earth's surface and the equator. It is measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds, with the equator being 0° latitude and the poles being 90° latitude. The calculation of latitude requires precise geographic coordinates or the difference in latitude between two points.

Therefore, without additional information, we cannot accurately determine the latitude of Bamako.