What are four standards you would use to measure the quality of your life?

1. Physical Well-being: This standard focuses on the physical aspects of life, including overall health, fitness level, and freedom from chronic health conditions. It involves regular exercise, balanced nutrition, sufficient sleep, and attending to any medical or health needs.

2. Emotional and Mental Well-being: This standard refers to the emotional and psychological aspects of life. It involves having a positive mindset, managing stress effectively, maintaining healthy relationships, and being emotionally resilient. It also involves pursuing personal interests, engaging in hobbies, and having a sense of purpose or fulfillment.

3. Social Connections: This standard emphasizes the quality of relationships and social connections. It involves having meaningful connections with family, friends, and community. It includes elements such as emotional support, feeling connected and valued, having a sense of belonging, and being surrounded by positive influences.

4. Personal and Professional Growth: This standard focuses on personal and professional development. It involves setting and achieving goals, continuous learning, acquiring new skills, and pursuing opportunities for growth and self-improvement. It also includes feeling fulfilled in one's career or chosen path, having a healthy work-life balance, and experiencing a sense of achievement or accomplishment.