One result of economic growth during the Song period was urbanization, which means


the movement of people from rural areas to cities.

Which development helped increase literacy in Song China?

The development of woodblock printing and movable type helped increase literacy in Song China.

One result of economic growth during the Song period was urbanization, which means the process of the increasing population and the development of towns and cities. This happened as a result of various factors such as the growth of trade, agriculture, and the expansion of the Chinese empire.

So, how do we know that urbanization was a result of economic growth during the Song period?

To find the answer, we can start by researching primary and secondary sources about the Song period. Primary sources can include historical documents, records, and artifacts from that time, while secondary sources are writings or interpretations by historians who have studied those primary sources.

Some potential sources to explore could be:

1. Historical accounts: Look for books, articles, or manuscripts written by people who lived during the Song period or shortly after. These firsthand accounts might provide insights into the economic conditions and any signs of urbanization during that time.

2. Archaeological evidence: Look for archaeological sites or artifacts found in areas known to be urban centers during the Song period. Excavations could provide evidence of infrastructure, buildings, and trade routes that indicate urbanization.

3. Economic data: Analyze economic data from that period, including records of trade, agricultural production, and population growth. Look for any correlations between economic indicators and the growth of urban centers.

By examining these sources and considering the context of the Song period, we can piece together evidence that supports the claim that urbanization was a result of economic growth. It's important to cross-reference multiple sources, evaluate their credibility, and consider different perspectives to arrive at a well-rounded understanding.