The copy machine at the library made a copy of Leslie's 3-page essay in just 1/10 of a minute. What is the speed of the copy machine?

Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction, mixed number, or whole number.
__ pages per minute

To find the speed of the copy machine, we can divide the number of pages copied (3) by the time it took (1/10 of a minute).

3 pages / (1/10 minute) = 3 pages * (10/1 minute) = 30 pages/minute.

Therefore, the speed of the copy machine is 30 pages per minute.

Using her garden hose, Camilla filled up a 4-gallon bucket in just 1/6 of a minute. At what rate does water flow through the hose?

Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction, mixed number, or whole number.
gallons per minute

To find the rate at which water flows through the hose, we can divide the amount of water filled (4 gallons) by the time it took (1/6 of a minute).

4 gallons / (1/6 minute) = 4 gallons * (6/1 minute) = 24 gallons/minute.

Therefore, the rate at which water flows through the hose is 24 gallons per minute.

Sound can travel incredibly quickly: 1 mile in about 1/12 of a minute. Based on that, what is the approximate speed of sound?

Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction, mixed number, or whole number.
miles per minute

To find the speed of sound, we can divide the distance traveled (1 mile) by the time it took (1/12 of a minute).

1 mile / (1/12 minute) = 1 mile * (12/1 minute) = 12 miles/minute.

Therefore, the approximate speed of sound is 12 miles per minute.

Rosanne earned $5 for

of an hour of babysitting. At this rate, how much would Rosanne make in 1 hour?
Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction, mixed number, or whole number.

To find out how much Rosanne would make in 1 hour, we can multiply the amount she earned ($5) by the number of times the fraction 1/2 fits into one hour (which is 2).

$5 * 2 = $10.

Therefore, Rosanne would make $10 in 1 hour.

A teacher's assistant entered 10 scores into the online gradebook in

of an hour. At that rate, how many scores can she enter in 1 hour?
Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction, mixed number, or whole number.

To find out how many scores the teacher's assistant can enter in 1 hour, we can multiply the number of scores entered (10) by the number of times the fraction 1/5 fits into one hour (which is 5).

10 * 5 = 50.

Therefore, the teacher's assistant can enter 50 scores in 1 hour.

The Kennedy Middle School cafeteria charges students $3 for

of a pizza. What is the cost per pizza?
Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction, mixed number, or whole number.