A) The amino acid serine is coded by the mRNA codon AGU. What is the base sequence of the DNA gene that originally produced this mRNA

codon? (1 point)

The base sequence of the DNA gene that originally produced this mRNA codon is AGT.

what the answer

The answer is TCA.

To determine the DNA base sequence that produced the given mRNA codon AGU, we need to refer to the genetic code. The genetic code is a set of rules that determines how sequences of nucleotides in DNA and RNA specify the amino acid sequences in proteins.

In this case, the mRNA codon AGU codes for the amino acid serine. Using the genetic code, we can determine the corresponding DNA sequence. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start by finding the mRNA codon AGU in the codon table or genetic code.
- AGU codes for serine (abbreviated as Ser).

2. Determine the DNA base sequence that pairs with the mRNA codon. Recall that the base pairs in DNA are adenine (A) with thymine (T) and cytosine (C) with guanine (G).
- Since RNA uses uracil (U) instead of thymine (T), we need to replace U with T in the mRNA codon.
- The corresponding DNA codon will be TCT.

Therefore, the base sequence of the DNA gene that originally produced the mRNA codon AGU is TCT.