Justify the last two steps of the proof.

Given: ABCD is a parallelogram.
Prove: ΔABC is congruent to ΔCDA

The figure shows parallelogram A B C D with diagonal A C.

ABDC is a parallelogram.
AB is congruent to DC and BC is congruent to DA
AC is congruent to CA
ΔABC is congruent to ΔCDA
Opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent.
(1 point)

Transitive Property of congruent; SAS
Transitive Property of Image with alt text: congruent ; SAS

Reflexive Property of congruent; SAS
Reflexive Property of Image with alt text: congruent ; SAS

Transitive Property of congruent; SSS
Transitive Property of Image with alt text: congruent ; SSS

Reflexive Property of congruent; SSS

Reflexive Property of congruent; SAS