a movie theater sells adult tickets for $14 and children's tickets for $9. Write an equation in standard form for the number of adult tickets a and children's tickets c that a customer could buy with $45.

A. 14c+9a=45
B. 14a+9c=45
C. 14a=9c+45
D. 14+9=45

Let's assume that the number of adult tickets a customer could buy is represented by a and the number of children's tickets by c.

The cost of adult tickets = $14a
The cost of children's tickets = $9c

The total cost, according to the given information, is $45. Therefore, the equation can be written as:
14a + 9c = 45

Hence, the correct equation in standard form for the number of adult tickets a and children's tickets c that a customer could buy with $45 is:

A. 14a + 9c = 45