three kinds of vertebrates kidneys such as Pronephros, Mesonephros and metanephros

Sure! I can explain the three kinds of vertebrate kidneys for you.

1. Pronephros: Pronephros is the most primitive and non-functional form of kidney. It is found in the embryonic stage of vertebrates, but disappears before the animal is born or hatches. Its main function is to produce urine.

2. Mesonephros: Mesonephros is the intermediate stage kidney found in fish, amphibians, and reptiles. It starts developing soon after the pronephros disappears. Mesonephros functions as the major functional kidney during embryonic development. It filters waste products and regulates fluid balance. In some adult animals, such as male reptiles and amphibians, the mesonephros also functions as a reproductive organ.

3. Metanephros: Metanephros is the final and most advanced type of kidney found in mammals, including humans. It replaces the mesonephros during embryonic development. Metanephros continues to function throughout the animal's life. It is responsible for filtering waste products from the blood, maintaining water and electrolyte balance, and producing urine.

To find this information, you can refer to reliable scientific sources such as biology textbooks, academic journals, or educational websites specializing in anatomy and physiology. It's always important to verify the information from credible sources to ensure accuracy.