1. Explain what “progressivism” means, in your own words. Be sure to include the reason for this movement. Don’t copy and paste from a source, because that doesn’t tell me that you know the term.

Progressivism, in my own understanding, refers to a political and social movement that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the United States. It aimed to address and solve the various social, economic, and political problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, and corruption during that period. Progressives sought to bring about positive changes and advancements in society by advocating for reforms, such as regulating big businesses, improving living and working conditions, expanding democracy, enacting social welfare programs, and promoting social justice.

The reason for the emergence of the progressive movement was the recognition of the negative impacts of rapid industrialization and urban growth on individuals and communities. Progressives believed that these changes resulted in the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few wealthy industrialists, leading to the exploitation of workers, poor living conditions, and rampant corruption in politics. They believed that government intervention, social activism, and the implementation of democratic reforms were necessary to counter these issues and create a more equitable and just society.

Overall, progressivism aimed to bring about progress and positive changes through social, economic, and political reforms that would improve the lives of all individuals and address the issues arising from industrialization and urbanization.