Why did she criticize Napoleon?

Without context or specific information about the person who criticized Napoleon, it is difficult to determine the exact reason behind her criticism. However, there can be several reasons why someone may have criticized Napoleon:

1. Political opposition: Napoleon was an authoritarian ruler who centralized power, suspended civil liberties, and implemented various reforms in France. Proponents of democratic values and political opponents may have criticized him for his autocratic rule and suppression of civil liberties.

2. Military campaigns: Napoleon engaged in numerous military campaigns across Europe, which resulted in mass casualties and territorial expansion. Critics may have condemned his militaristic approach and expansive ambitions, viewing him as a warmonger.

3. Treatment of conquered territories: Napoleon's rule in conquered territories was often marked by heavy taxation, conscription of soldiers, and suppression of local cultures. Critics may have condemned him for his oppressive policies towards conquered territories.

4. Self-interest and personal ambition: Napoleon is often portrayed as a power-hungry individual who sought to establish a global empire. Critics may have accused him of prioritizing his personal ambitions over the welfare of the French people.

5. Legacy and impact: Critics might argue that despite his many accomplishments and reforms, Napoleon's rule ultimately led to the collapse of the French Empire and the restoration of the monarchy. They may question the lasting impact of his policies and argue that his rule set the stage for future conflicts and instability.

These are just a few possible reasons behind criticizing Napoleon; it would be necessary to have more specific information about the person criticizing him to provide a more accurate answer.