How did changing social structures lead to revolution in Spanish colonies?(1 point) Responses Enslaved people were a part of the lower class and wished to be free. Enslaved people were a part of the lower class and wished to be free. Influenced by Enlightenment thought, the poor resented the rich. Influenced by Enlightenment thought, the poor resented the rich. As economic growth gave people influence, they still had little power. As economic growth gave people influence, they still had little power. The rich grew richer in the Spanish colonies, leading to resentment.

All of the above options are correct.

only one option is true

In that case, the correct option would be: Influenced by Enlightenment thought, the poor resented the rich.

Changing social structures in the Spanish colonies played a significant role in leading to revolution. Several factors contributed to this:

1. Enslaved people seeking freedom: Enslaved individuals, who were predominantly part of the lower class, aspired to gain freedom and improve their social status. They yearned for equal rights and opportunities, which eventually fueled their desire to revolt against the oppressive system.

2. Influence of Enlightenment thought: The Enlightenment, an intellectual movement that emphasized reason, liberty, and equality, had a profound impact on the colonists. As ideas from this period spread, the poor began to question and resent the unequal distribution of wealth and power, viewing it as unjust and oppressive.

3. Limited power despite economic growth: While economic growth in the colonies provided some individuals with wealth and influence, the majority of the population still had limited power in society. This imbalance exacerbated the dissatisfaction and frustration felt by those who felt left behind and marginalized.

4. Growing wealth disparity: The Spanish colonies witnessed a significant increase in wealth, but this prosperity primarily benefited the rich. As the gap between the rich and the poor widened, resentment grew among the lower classes, leading to a desire for social and economic equality.

In summary, changing social structures within the Spanish colonies led to revolution due to the aspirations for freedom among the enslaved, the influence of Enlightenment ideas, the limited power held by the majority despite economic growth, and the growing wealth disparity that fueled resentment towards the rich.