Who was involved in The Battle of Kettle Creek

The Battle of Kettle Creek was fought during the American Revolutionary War, specifically on February 14, 1779. The participants involved in the battle were:

1. Colonel Andrew Pickens - A militia leader from South Carolina who played a crucial role in organizing the Patriot forces and leading them into battle at Kettle Creek.
2. Lieutenant Colonel John Dooly - A prominent figure in the Georgia Patriot militia who also played a key leadership role in the battle.
3. Colonel Elijah Clarke - Another militia leader from Georgia who commanded a significant militia force during the battle.
4. Major General John Twiggs - He led the Georgia militia forces during the battle and contributed to the Patriot victory.
5. Colonel Thomas Waters - A Loyalist leader who commanded the British and Loyalist forces during the Battle of Kettle Creek.
6. Captain David Fanning - A prominent Loyalist captain who fought on the side of the British during the battle.
7. Captain Elijah Clarke (son of Colonel Elijah Clarke) - He led a company of riflemen during the battle and played an important role.
8. Colonel John Boyd - A Patriot leader who led a contingent of Virginia militia during the battle.

These are some of the notable individuals involved in the Battle of Kettle Creek, but there were many other soldiers and militiamen from both sides who participated in the battle as well.