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The quote proves the type of conflict used in the story is internal conflict. Internal conflict occurs within a character's mind and involves the struggle between their own thoughts, emotions, and desires. In the quote, Jeremy is being offered a tempting proposition - to stay in Nethergrave where no one will ever abandon him. This offer presents a conflict within Jeremy's mind as he must weigh the desire for eternal companionship against the knowledge that Nethergrave is a virtual world and not the real world. The internal conflict is evident through the promises made to Jeremy, creating a struggle within himself to make a decision.

The quote shows that the conflict in the story is happening inside the character's mind. This kind of conflict is called internal conflict. It happens when a character has to make a tough decision because they have conflicting thoughts, feelings, or desires. In the quote, Jeremy is being tempted to stay in Nethergrave, where he'll have friends forever. But he knows that Nethergrave isn't real, so he's torn between wanting companionship and knowing the truth. This internal conflict is shown through the promises made to Jeremy, which make it hard for him to decide what to do.