Solve the proportion in two different ways. First change all the numbers to decimal form and solve. Then change all the numbers to fraction form and solve.

2/5/x = 2/0.4

To solve the proportion by changing all the numbers to decimal form, we can rewrite the proportion as:

0.4/x = 2/0.4

Now we can cross multiply:

0.4 * 0.4 = x * 2

0.16 = 2x

Dividing both sides by 2:

0.16/2 = x

x = 0.08

To solve the proportion by changing all the numbers to fraction form, we can rewrite the proportion as:

2/5/x = 2/2/5

Simplifying the right side:

2/5/x = 1/5

Now, we can cross multiply:

1 * 5 = x * 2

5 = 2x

Dividing both sides by 2:

5/2 = x

x = 2.5