Type an Essay and Insert Endnotes about Alexander the Great

Opening and saving a document:

Open the Alexander the Great Essay document you were working in yesterday to create an outline. The essay should be located here: Libraries>Documents>EDTECH6>Unit 2.
Once you have found the document, click on the document title to open it.
Now open your search log from Lesson 7. Use this to refer back to the sources and cite references.

Typing an essay:

Press the Tab key to indent the paragraph.
For this essay, consider writing four paragraphs to cover the topics in your outline.
As you are typing your essay, make sure that your introduction and main idea are clear, there are relevant supporting details, and your conclusion is a short summary of what was covered in the essay. Use your search log to assist you in adding relevant supporting details.

Citing sources by inserting an endnote:

Any time you reference information from an article, it is important to cite your sources. In the search log, you already cited sources. You will use this information to add an endnote to your essay. An endnote is added to the end of the document. It is often used to flag where sources are cited in a document.
After you reference a source in your writing, click on the References tab.
In the References ribbon, click on the Insert Endnote button.
Your cursor will jump to the last page. Using your mouse, select the citation for the source in the search log and copy it.
Then paste the citation in the endnote.
Your endnote has been added to the document. Click on the Show Notes button in the References ribbon to return to the same location in your essay.

Remember, it’s important to save your work frequently. To do this, click on the File tab. In the File window, select Save.

As one of history's most famous and influential military leaders, Alexander the Great left an enduring legacy that continues to captivate scholars and enthusiasts alike. Born in 356 BC in the ancient city of Pella, Macedonia, Alexander was destined for greatness. From a young age, he displayed remarkable intelligence, leadership skills, and a thirst for conquest. With an empire stretching from Greece to Egypt to India, Alexander's accomplishments are truly remarkable. In this essay, we will explore Alexander's early life, his military campaigns, and his lasting impact on the world.

From his early years, it was clear that Alexander was destined for greatness. He was tutored by the renowned philosopher Aristotle, who instilled in him a love for learning and a quest for knowledge. This education molded Alexander into a well-rounded individual, who valued not only military prowess but also intellectual pursuits. It would later become evident that his education played a crucial role in his success as a military strategist.

Alexander's military career began in 334 BC when he embarked on his first major campaign: the invasion of Persia. The Persian Empire, led by King Darius III, was at the height of its power and posed a formidable challenge. However, Alexander's audacious strategy and skilled leadership allowed him to achieve a series of stunning victories. Battle after battle, Alexander's forces emerged triumphant, never tasting defeat. His ability to inspire loyalty and motivate his troops was instrumental in his conquests.

One of Alexander's most famous military achievements was the Battle of Gaugamela in 331 BC. This decisive victory over the Persians solidified his control over the region and marked the decline of the Persian Empire. Alexander's military genius was on full display during this battle, as he outmaneuvered and outwitted his opponents. His use of innovative tactics and the relentless pursuit of victory became his trademark.

Beyond his military conquests, Alexander's impact on the world cannot be overstated. Through his vast empire, he laid the foundations for the spread of Hellenistic culture. Greek language, art, and philosophy flourished under his rule, forever transforming the regions he conquered. The cities he founded, such as Alexandria in Egypt, became centers of learning and intellectual discourse. This cultural diffusion influenced generations to come, shaping the course of history.

In conclusion, Alexander the Great was a truly remarkable individual whose legacy reverberates to this day. His early education, military campaigns, and lasting impact on the world make him a figure worth studying. From his audacious conquests to his promotion of Hellenistic culture, Alexander's achievements continue to inspire and captivate. As we delve into the depths of history, it is through the lens of Alexander's life and accomplishments that we gain a deeper understanding of the ancient world and its enduring influence.

1. Badian, Ernst. "Alexander the Great and the Greeks." The Classical Quarterly 13, no. 01 (1963): 91-108.
2. Hamilton, J. R. "The Death of Alexander and the Succession Crisis." Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 14, no. 2 (1965): 141-64.
3. Heckel, Waldemar. "Alexander and the Greeks of Asia." Classical Journal 106, no. 2 (2010): 159-83.
4. Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives, Volume 9: Demetrius and Antony. Arrian. Arrian's Anabasis of Alexander, books 5-7. Loeb Classical Library, 1921.