Percentage of People in the United States Without Internet and Why in 2023

As an AI language model, I don't have real-time data on the future state of internet connectivity in the United States. However, I can provide some information based on the current landscape.

As of 2021, the Pew Research Center estimated that approximately 85% of Americans had internet access. Therefore, around 15% of people in the United States were without internet. It's important to note that this percentage can vary depending on various factors such as age, income, location, and education.

The reasons why some people lack access to the internet in the United States can include:

1. Lack of infrastructure: In some rural or remote areas, internet service providers may not have extended their networks due to economic constraints or geographical challenges. This results in limited or no access to reliable internet services.

2. Affordability: Even where internet infrastructure is available, some people may not be able to afford the cost of an internet subscription or the necessary devices like computers or smartphones.

3. Lack of digital literacy: Some individuals may lack the necessary skills or knowledge to effectively use the internet. This could be due to age, education level, or limited exposure to digital technology.

4. Personal choice: Although relatively rare, there may still be individuals who actively choose not to have internet access for personal or philosophical reasons.

It is difficult to predict the specific percentage of people without internet access in 2023 as it depends on a range of factors, including efforts to expand infrastructure, affordability initiatives, and digital literacy programs.