I’m Working On A Series And The Main Character Has A Power Similar To One For All From My Hero Academia. In One For All, There Multiple People Inside It And Those People Have Added New Powers Into One For All, Making It The Ultimate Quirk. 1. I Wanted To Know Some Good Names For The Power And 2. What Are Some Good Names For Alternate Parts Of The Power?

Also List What The Attacks Do And The Powers Have To Do Something With Light, Lightning And Fire
Here’s Some Examples From MHA
1. Gearshift
2. Fa Jin
3. Danger Sense
4. Blackwhip
5. Float
6. Smokescreen

For the main power similar to One For All, here are some suggestions:

1. Luminosync
2. Thunderblaze
3. Pyroelectrix
4. Electroflare
5. Lightning Ignition
6. Blazebeam

Now, for the alternate parts of the power, tailored around light, lightning, and fire:

1. Photon Surge: This attack envelops the main character's body in radiant light, enhancing their strength and speed significantly for a short duration. It also allows them to emit blinding bursts of light, temporarily disorienting opponents.

2. Stormweaver: This power grants the ability to manipulate electricity, allowing the main character to generate lightning bolts and channel them through their limbs for devastating close-range strikes. Additionally, they can create electrical barriers for protection or generate static fields to disorient and immobilize foes.

3. Infernoflare: With this ability, the main character can summon and control fire. They can project fireballs or unleash powerful streams of flames both for offense and defense purposes. The heat generated can also be used to forge temporary weapons or create fiery barriers.

Feel free to mix and match these suggestions or come up with variations that suit your series and characters!