Two forces 8N and 6N acting perpendicularly to each other determine the equilibrium forces that will balance the system

To determine the equilibrium forces that will balance the system, we need to find the resultant force, which is the vector sum of the two given forces. Since the forces are acting perpendicularly to each other, we can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the magnitude of the resultant force:

resF^2 = 8N^2 + 6N^2
resF^2 = 64N^2 + 36N^2
resF^2 = 100N^2
resF = √100N^2
resF = 10N

The magnitude of the resultant force is 10N. To determine the direction of the resultant force, we can use the trigonometric identities:

tan(θ) = opp/adj
tan(θ) = 8N/6N
θ = tan^(-1)(8N/6N)
θ = tan^(-1)(4/3)

Therefore, the equilibrium forces that will balance the system are two forces of magnitude 10N, acting at an angle of approximately 53.1 degrees from the horizontal axis.