who was involved in the the constitutional convention and the new us constitution

The Constitutional Convention, also known as the Philadelphia Convention, was held in 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It involved numerous influential figures in American history, including:

1. George Washington: The first President of the United States, who served as the presiding officer of the convention.
2. James Madison: Often referred to as the "Father of the Constitution," Madison played a crucial role in drafting the Constitution and promoting its ratification.
3. Benjamin Franklin: A renowned polymath and a founding father, Franklin provided wisdom and guidance at the convention.
4. Alexander Hamilton: One of America's founding fathers and the first Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton played a significant role in advocating for a stronger centralized government.
5. Roger Sherman: A delegate from Connecticut, Sherman was instrumental in the creation of the Great Compromise, which resolved the issue of how representation would be determined in the legislative branch.
6. Gouverneur Morris: A delegate from Pennsylvania, Morris is known as the primary author of the final text of the United States Constitution.
7. James Wilson: Another delegate from Pennsylvania, Wilson made valuable contributions to the drafting of the Constitution and later became a Supreme Court Justice.
8. Edmund Randolph: A delegate from Virginia, Randolph presented the Virginia Plan, which served as the basis for much of the discussion at the convention.
9. William Paterson: A delegate from New Jersey, Paterson presented the New Jersey Plan, which advocated for a weaker centralized government than the Virginia Plan.
10. Elbridge Gerry: A delegate from Massachusetts, Gerry was among those who expressed concerns about the Constitution's lack of a specific bill of rights.

These are just a few of the many notable individuals who played significant roles in the Constitutional Convention and the creation of the United States Constitution.