What 3 weapons developed during the Hundred Years’ War make more deadly. Crossbow,longbow,cannon,gun,lance

During the Hundred Years' War, several weapons were developed that made warfare more deadly. Three of these weapons are:

1. Cannon: The cannon revolutionized warfare by introducing large-scale artillery. Cannons were capable of launching heavy projectiles over long distances, causing massive damage to enemy fortifications and troops. Their destructive power made them key weapons in sieges and helped shift the balance of power in favor of armies with superior artillery.

2. Longbow: The longbow played a significant role in the early stages of the Hundred Years' War, particularly in the hands of English archers. Its longer range and higher accuracy compared to other contemporary bows made it a formidable weapon. English longbowmen could fire arrows at a rapid rate, piercing armor and causing havoc among enemy troops. The longbow's effectiveness in battles such as Crécy and Agincourt showed its deadly potential.

3. Gun: While not as sophisticated as modern firearms, guns marked the beginning of a significant shift in warfare. Early firearms were unreliable and slow to reload, but they had the potential to pierce armor and cause severe injuries. Firearms were gradually adopted and improved upon throughout the Hundred Years' War, laying the foundation for future advancements in gunpowder weaponry.

These three weapons significantly amplified the lethality of warfare during the Hundred Years' War, as each of them brought new levels of destructive power, range, or battlefield effectiveness.